
I'm a wife, sister, daughter, friend, and mom! I was born in Wisconsin, grew up in California, went to college in California and Virginia, and now live in Texas! I guess I had to get four sides of our fabulous country!

Everywhere I go, I see the beauties of God's creation. As you can see in my paintings, I'm most often drawn to nature for my subject matter, but I'll branch out every-so-often.

I've painted off and on over the years since trying an art class in high school but have been working full time as a graphic designer. I usually painted something because I needed art to fill a particular wall in my apartment. Then I finally heard about new ways to sell my work online in 2009. So I did all I could to open up a shop on Etsy in January of 2010. A month later my husband and I found out we were expecting our first baby! Even now with a little boy and a baby girl, I've never painted as much or as consistently as I have over the last few years. When my little ones go down for a nap on the weekends, I can have my painting time! That's my time that helps me keep a bit of sanity in our crazy full life.

People have asked why I chose watercolor. Honestly, I think it was because of my not-so-great characteristic of being impatient! Watercolor paintings dry faster than oils. :) But I do love watercolor for its movement. All too often I've had what I thought at first to be a mistake while painting. Then later I came to love that change that took place.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Feel free to email me here with any questions you may have.